Please check out my sourdough recipe and process in the recipes section!

I first created Dough Dust because I wanted the ability to add color to my sourdough bread designs. I was surprised that while there are thousands of different coloring agents available to the cake and sugar decorating industries, there are virtually no readily available options for artisan bread bakers.

I set out to create my own by coloring rice flour, and thus Dough Dust was born! While I designed Dough Dust for sourdough bakers, it can be used on any kind of bread!

I love using natural coloring options, but when baking bread at 500F, most natural colors will burn and turn into different shades of brown. There are some natural colors that will retain their color - for example, turmeric is a great option for a vibrant orange - but blues, reds, and greens are extremely difficult to keep vibrant. Dough Dust will maintain its vibrant color even after baking, guaranteed!

Lightly spray or brush your ready to bake dough with water. Your dough should be slightly tacky. but not overly wet. Sift or spoon a small amount of Dough Dust onto your loaf (a little goes a long way!). For more information and demos, check out my videos on instagram or youtube

Keep Dough Dust stored in a cool and dark area for best results.